Free Whitepaper

5 Ways Enterprise DRM Helps The BFSI Sector Avoid Costly Data Leaks

vaultize_wp_cover__compressedThe banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector is a major target for cyber attacks, and the consequences of loss, leakage or theft of BFSI data are severe.

Enterprise digital rights management (DRM) should be an essential instrument in the toolbox of IT teams operating in the sensitive and highly-regulated BFSI field.

Read our free whitepaper, 5 Ways Enterprise DRM Helps The BFSI Sector Avoid Costly Data Leaks, to learn how DRM helps IT teams in the BFSI space:

  • Ensure regulatory compliance by preventing and limiting access rights to sensitive BFSI data
  • Defend against the weakest link – your end users within and beyond the corporate network
  • Protect valuable data such as trade secrets, intellectual property, top-secret algorithms and other proprietary information

A robust enterprise file security suite, complete with integrated DRM, helps IT teams ensure that sensitive data remains under their control within and beyond the corporate network.

Download this whitepaper to learn more about secure file sharing in the BFSI sector with enterprise DRM.

Free Enterprise DRM Whitepaper