9 Ways For IT To Dramatically Control
Enterprise File Security & Access Rights
Enterprise file security is a hot-button issue. It seems like a month doesn’t pass without another massive data breach making headlines. Meanwhile, end users have more devices to access a growing pool of data. One unwitting mistake is all it takes for a network to become compromised.
What can enterprise IT departments do to ensure data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands?
Vaultize’s report, 9 Ways To Dramatically Control Enterprise File Security & Access Rights, presents solutions for IT teams to implement into their enterprise file security protocols. This free report covers:
- Tips for spotting vulnerabilities in your current enterprise file security system
- How to secure data in use, data at rest and data in motion
- At-source encryption essentials and why it must be part of your solution from day one
- Digital watermarking, DRM, geo-fencing, EMM and other information security tools
- Multi-dimensional access rights management and its benefits
If you’re ready to learn more about how your IT team can create and maintain robust enterprise file security, please download your free copy of this report.